Sunday, May 20, 2018

WOOT, done with the baby blanket, now on to roses...

I finally finished up with the pink baby blanket and just in time to find out a friend had just welcomed their first granddaughter. That's how it goes sometimes.

I dug up a little tote bag I'd made some years back and it fit in there perfectly. I'm happy I found this a home so quickly.  And so, here are the pictures.

Glamour shot!

Draped over a chair.

With the little bag I had stashed away.

And now onto the roses...

I got the pattern for the rose here.

The crochet was easy, the wrapping and securing not so much. This one took about four tries to figure out the best way to secure it. The pattern didn't go into much detail there.  My advice is to work through that with a different color of yarn so you can see what you did and undo it if need be.

I managed to make one other of these, but it's also pink and looks the same, so no need to post a picture. I'm going to have to think about what to do with them, though. I was thinking pencil topper, but that would be a bit heavy unless I used a thinner yarn. I'll update when I've got something.

On that note, I'm almost out of this watermelon color yarn. It was good while it lasted.

Until next time...

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